Looking for a Tube Guru to help compare a 1948 Farnsworth Capehart 114N2 Phono preamp
I recently had this magnificent example of what American engineering can do with deep pockets entrusted to me. I am particularly proud in that I share Philos last name.
I have copies of the extensive service and parts manuals. The service manual goes into great detail as to the design philosophy with complete schematics.
The phono stage for this was the best offered. The tuner is top notch as well as the amplifier. The manual states that post WW2 tube technology had filtered into the civilian market.
This beauty cost 1750 when middle class income for 4 was 3300 a year to give some perspective on how much went into one. First year for the Jensen JHP-52 5"/15" coaxial speaker.
Check the Incomparable Capehart website to see what was the precursor to high end home stereo such as it exists now.
So I am looking for someone who would be able to judge just how well it would stack up against modern gear by circuit analysis.
Thanks and Happy Listening