Looking for a pre-built recessed audio rack

I’m currently in the process of designing my dedicated listening room.  Dimensions are roughly 13’x23’ with an 8 foot ceiling.  The front wall is shared with a storage room (13x9) that also has the main electrical panel.  (Easy to run a dedicated power line.)

I’m also looking to recess the equipment rack flush in the front wall (wood studs, non-load bearing) with the back of the rack accessible from inside the storage room. 

So, question:  Anyone know of or have experience with a purpose built “slide in” audio rack?  I know I can frame one out with wood, or try and adapt a 2 or 4 post network/server rack, but was looking for something a bit cleaner in design.

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Equipment racks can be made to slide in and out plus rotated for service.  MidAtlantic is the most well-known and they have the hardware kits to do so.  It's just a baseplate that the rack is bolted to, that is on tracks, allowing it to be moved out into the room and rotated.


Here you go:



I'd suggest contacting a local A/V integration company to assist with this to ensure you get all the necessary parts, plus consider adequate cooling, electrical, framing, etc.