looking for a place to buy blu-ray dvds

I've seen blu-ray.com any good?, can you folks possibly suggest a place where to buy blu-rays and not worry about quality.
Looking to start a small library.

Showing 2 responses by zd542

Amazon is the best place to buy movies and music. Usually the most choices and the lowest prices. One thing that very few people seem to be aware of is their A-Z guarantee. You'll see in the feedback that many buyers have issues not with Amazon, but the marketplace sellers. If you have a problem with something you buy, you file a claim, and Amazon looks into the matter and always makes it right. So even if you buy something from a small vendor in another state that doesn't do the right thing, Amazon makes sure you get a full refund. Its hard to believe that a big company like that actually gets it right, but they do. You just have to be aware that you can file a claim.
"Best buy typically matches prices from Amazon online, if I'm not mistaken, right in the stores. Occasionally, I see some deals at Walmart, but then yes, also Amazon."

You have to watch Walmart. There's nothing worse than finding out you bought a censored CD until after you open it.