looking for a nice small home theatre set up

i currently have ageing Linn home stereo(pretek set up) and now i would like to enjoy a home theatre set up with the same audio quality that i have been used to...
can anyone here recomend me such a set up......maybe it could be a ALL IN ONE componant or just a DVD player and AMP...
i am looking for MINIMUM features if possible and nice body and detail in the audio...
i would like to keep things less cluttered the older i get.

Showing 1 response by chadnliz

DVD and Amp combo wont be enough, you will need a processor for level matching and bass management, (if you are wanting 5.1)...I doubt any HT in a box will get you even close to what you want, tho I have always thought a movie can be very entertaining on a modest well thought out system, 2 channel not so easy.