Looking for a new (preowned OK) line stage under $5K: suggestions?

Considering upgrading my near vintage Classe Audio DR5 preamp, which I use as a line stage, for the following system:


Feickert Volare TT/Audimods 6 arm/Hanna ML cartridge, EAT Petit phono stage, Naim CD 5 disc player, Pass XA 25 amp, Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene speakers/Sound Anchor stands, Synergistic Research Foundation full loom.


Basically, looking to maximize dynamics as well as a touch more midrange bloom and dimensionality.  Slightly to warm side of neutral preferred over lean.


I'm thinking a tubed unit would work best, but I'd consider SS if it fits.


Also considering warmer cables, planning on swapping Xavfino's (Fusion) for the Synergistic's as a trial.


The basic issue is that the room is somewhat too "live" sounding, and my wife won't approve of room treatments (it's also a family room).


The system otherwise sounds great, and maybe within the described constraints, there's not much I can do effectively.


Input appreciated!


Zesto Leto is a great preamp.  Blackest background and explosive dynamics but still great detail.   Amazing preamp.   There have been several versions , I have the first and its great .   Their support and service is top notch,  I would buytheLeto Ultra II if I had the cash.   Great equipment 

I've went through a few preamps trying to find exactly what you're looking for.

"looking to maximize dynamics as well as a touch more midrange bloom and dimensionality"

I had a Dennis had Inspire, a BAT, a few more and now an Allnic L3000. They were all excellent, but they were just a tad different from each other. None of them really stood out from the next. They will just be different..

I had them matched to many amps. A Modwright KWA 150SE, Audio Research VT100, VT80SE, Pass Labs X150.8, First Watt F8, and even an Audion Super Sterling. 

I gave up as nothing really made my system elevate much more. Its already very good but I was looking for more.

Then, a month ago, I purchased a Kinki Studios EX-M7 power amp. Speakers and the everything upstream remained the same.  It gave me dimensionality Ive never heard before. It is outstanding. Transients will surprise. A veritable treat. Bass handling is very precise, fast, not boomy and with a lot of texture. 

Its dimensionality is what really got me. It's exceptional. Highly recommended,



I recently bought an LTA MZ3 and think it’s pretty incredible. Almost went with Aric Audio Super which might be more inline with what you’re looking for. Or even the Motherlode if you want to stretch your budget. I had set a $5k cap on my search too. Backert, Modwright, Primaluna, and Cary all have models you should at least research. Good luck.