Looking for a new integrated amp

I am looking at three different choices for a new integrated amp. My budget is about $2000. The amps that I am considering are: 1. Rogue Sphinx V3   2. Creek EVO100A    3. Musical Fidelity M5si. What are everyone's experiences with these amps? Does one outshine the others? My taste in music are primarily rock, blues, and classical. My preferences are a wide and deep soundstage with a lot of detail. The rest of my system includes Pro Ject turntable with a ZYX Bloom 3 cartridge, Lounge LCR mkIII and Lounge Copla (both with the silver wire upgrade) and Tekton Double Impact speakers. Opinions on what would sound best with what I have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....
Not sure I’d rule the Sphinx V3 out too quickly. I read a very positive review of it not too long ago and don’t remember noise being an issue.  Rogue may well have sorted out any past issues by now, and its sonic properties are very much inline with what you’re looking for. I had the Medusa on demo and it had outstanding transparency and detail with one of the deepest 3D stages I’ve heard in my system, and it shares a lot of DNA with the Sphinx. That you can tube roll on the input stage to fine tune the sound to your liking is a considerable bonus feature IMHO.

If you’d entertain used I’d be on the lookout for a Bryston B100 SST. I heard one driving a small pair of Thiels and the imaging, soundstage, and detail were excellent. Haven’t heard the Creek or MF. Hope this helps, and best of luck in your search.

I'm going on two months with the Rogue Sphinx V3. No noise issue. Strong performer. Very musical.
Very capable with delivering sonic clarity, detail, and presence even with a 85db sensitivity monitor speaker. In fact, these speakers have never sounded better (and they have had a number of suitors).
Solid build quality. Very nice feel on all the controls. Smooth feel, precise response to input. The 'skeleton" remote is all you need.
Completely analog, One of the main reasons I chose it. One of the best audio values I have purchased in the last 50 years. And made in the US.
Regarding your post, check out the Belles Aria.  It may be just what you’re looking for.
Good quality Class D amps these days are extremely quiet. I have 4 from 3 different vendors and all are dead quiet. Early Class D amps were sometimes noise prone but most makers have resolved that issue. Good chance Rogue has as well with the Sphinx. I would consider that amp or the bigger Pharoah as highly rated contenders. Tube preamp + Class D amp is a match made in heaven from my experience delivering the best of both tube and SS sound together.