Looking for a GREAT preamp under $2000...thoughts?

I have a system that is mostly from the mid-90's and I'm upgrading it piece by piece. Just ordered the Gallo Reference 3.5's with sub amp, bought a Graham Slee ERA Gold Reflex phono preamp, and found a second NAD 214 amp for extremely cheap on ebay ($100), (so I can bridge it with my current NAD 214). Before upgrading the amp and turntable (Goldring GR2), I'd like to look at doing an upgrade on the preamp. What can I get either used or new for around $2000 that will blow me away? I think it's prefer solid state over tube, but I'm open to suggestions

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ROWLAND CONSUMMATE (USED). outboard power supply, bal. in/out, best metal remote control with fast/slow volume adjustments (200 steps). very tough to beat for $1800 (sometimes less

Indeed, an excellent choice.