Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation

Hi everyone,

After about a 15 year hiatus from hifi, I'm looking to get back into it. I'm looking for a front ported bookshelf speaker. The reason is that it's going to go inside a cabinet and right against a back wall. My budget is up to $5,000 but the less, the better:) Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.



Unfortunately there's no other solution to the positioning. It's either deal with it or not add speakers.


There are speakers that are OK to be in a cabinet, that's how they were designed. I think some Devore and Revival models but I would check with the manufacturer. 


I have a pair of Jean Marie Reynaud (JMR) Trente bookshelves for my office set up and they are awesome front ported speakers, so smooth and non fatiguing and very musical. They are a French company that has been around a long time.


The Trente's I have are no longer in production, the current model which is similar is called the Lucia, I think they are under $2k, but great speakers and very well made.

Perlisten great speaker and big monitors  

Anthony at Perrotta consultants  is very fair compared with speakers of much high cost .