Looking for a great DAC for my Airport Express....

Hello all,
I'm looking for a DAC around $1000 to link my Apple Airport Express to my Unison Research S2K integrated amp. Right now I'm using an Audience Conductor mini plug to rca interconnect straight from the Airport Express, but I know I can do better. The Airport Express has a Toslink, Mini headphone plug, or USB outputs.
Right now I've been thinking about a Bel Canto Dac 2 using it's Toslink input, or perhaps a PS Audio Digital Link III using it's USB input. Other's that I've thought about are the Wavelength Brick, and Musical Fidelity XDacV3.
I'd like something small and unobtrusive as I live in a NYC apartment. And I'd prefer something with multiple inputs (ruling out the Wavelength), so I can try connecting my Meridian 596 DVD and see if I can improve the sound there also.
Any ideas would be appreciated. I'd prefer not to spend over $1000, but we all know how that goes.

Showing 1 response by mcmanus

I tried both the Scott Nixon and the Bel Canto DAC 2 from my Mac via toslink. The difference was night and day with the DAC 2 coming out way ahead. I put the DAC 2 up against my Resolution Audio Opus 21 and the Opus (at 3x the price) was noticeably better.