Looking for a good system for my apartment. Any advise?

I have a medium sized living room. Any ideas for this fledgling audiophile?
I'm looking for a decent turn table, amp, speakers and a cd player. Money IS an object so if there is anything you can recommend that won't break the bank but still offer a nice sonic experience (We love classical, jazz and the Grateful Dead).
Thank you.

Showing 1 response by hleeid

Agree 100% with maxwave and twoleftears on researching speakers first.

Also, heed millercarbons advice on speaker sensitivity.  Look up the exponential energy requirements as it relates to how loud you need/want to go. 

As a newbie to this hobby, I bought my first speakers not knowing any better than to consider power requirements.  Didn't even think about which type of speaker to best match my music preferences. 

Thus my diminutive Magnepan LRSs refused to shine with a 50wpc class A Forte 1A. Stepping up to a 100wpc class A/B Michael Yee Audio PA-1 yielded a noticeable improvement.  A Hegel H190 - even better.

BUT,... it wasn't until breaking the budget on a Bryston BP26 preamp along with a pair of 300wpc Ampzilla 2000 2nd editions that the power hungry Magnepans started to perform at or near their best.

Don't fall into the same rabbit hole!

All the best, Happy Thanksgiving and stay safe!