Looking for a good solution to cover my TV between the speakers. Cant move it

I'm unable to move my large tv out of the area where my system is and I need a (Good looking and effective) solution to cover it to eliminate the unwanted high frequency brightness it causes. It is a 60" TV. The front of my speakers are about 1 ft in front of the edge of the glass of the TV. This helps somewhat. 

Is it best to put some sort of diffusion material over the TV or some absorption material if I can't move it out of the room? What ever I choose needs to be easily removable. 

Appreciate any help!

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Years ago I made a free standing wood frame and added foam acoustic panels in it. I covered it with bleached burlap to make the appearance tolerable. It was at the time a 42” and was more centered in line with the tweeters. I now have a taller cabinet and a 55” and the same speakers, but the tweeters are on the same plane as the bottom of the screen. I angled the TV forward a bit to bring the line of sight more perpendicular to the screen. That in itself helped quite a bit, if possible maybe you can experiment with height of screen and angle.