Looking for a good solution to cover my TV between the speakers. Cant move it

I'm unable to move my large tv out of the area where my system is and I need a (Good looking and effective) solution to cover it to eliminate the unwanted high frequency brightness it causes. It is a 60" TV. The front of my speakers are about 1 ft in front of the edge of the glass of the TV. This helps somewhat. 

Is it best to put some sort of diffusion material over the TV or some absorption material if I can't move it out of the room? What ever I choose needs to be easily removable. 

Appreciate any help!

Showing 1 response by nonoise

I used to put a wool blanket over my TV to see if could hear a difference and I did. Now having the front plane of my speakers about a foot out in front of the TV screen makes it more a subtle difference, than an appreciable difference. So, being lazy, I stopped using the blanket.

There may be another solution other than a blanket over your TV, but others here with more experience will need to chime in.

All the best,