Looking for a good full range floor stander

Hello all.  Making a good two way system for a 20 x 40x 12 high room budget 12k to 16 k.  Powered by a bryston 14b cubed amp.  Have a surround system with Golden ear ref and surrounds powered by parasound a21 for mains  and Carver cinema grand for surrounds. Like the GEs  The speakers I'm looking for will be for music only lots of jazz (female vocalist a fav), classical, classic rock and roll (70's and up).  I have heard good things about proac k6, Joseph audio, and a few others but am not within 4 hours of audition range.  Real interested in people in the know about the proac or suggestions.  Thanks in advance.

Showing 4 responses by cleeds

audiotroy2, You must be a dealer... I think dealers should not be allowed to participate. They slyly pretend to be consumers only to sell their own stuff.  After reading your responses I would imagine many of us feel you should be banned from participating.
Please speak for yourself. Audiotroy is well known here for being a dealer - he certainly hasn't concealed that, nor does he pretend to be a customer. Dealers are welcome to participate here under Audiogon's terms of use so if you have any complaint, it is with Audiogon, not audiotroy.

Most audio sales people I have known, and I was one once, were rather poorly educated, impressionable, dishonest, mythologists whose sole purpose was to sell whatever stuff they had in stock that had the largest profit margin.
Wow, you must have been hanging around with the wrong crowd. My experience has been just the opposite: Most dealers have been very well educated, often with technical degrees; absolutely honest; and patient so as to allow the customer to make up his own mind. I wouldn't work with a dealer that didn't uniformly act with integrity.
... there have been more than enough contributions to this thread for the OP to judge for himself who is trying to give disinterested suggestions and advice, and who approaches the whole thing with a bunch of biases.
Pretty much everyone here is biased. Those that claim no bias are among those with the greatest biases.
There are biases and there are vested interests. Big difference.
No, not necessarily. Bias is bias is bias is bias. And that's probably why dealers are permitted to contribute here.