Looking for A Cost Effective Phono Amp- Any suggestions?"

I am looking for a cost effective phono amp. System include Rotes A14 Integrated Amp, Linn Basik Turntable with Akito tone arm, Rega Exacta 2 Cartridge. Very satisfied with turntable. not so much with cartridge. Not interested in breaking the bank. Prefer a device that can provide reasonably quality for MM and MC cartridge. Any suggestion? 

Showing 1 response by jnorris2005

If you are leaning towards the low end, the fully discreet Schiit Mani is far more dynamic, open and transparent than the NAD, which is a single opamp (NE5532) design for moving magnet cartridges with a simple transistor circuit to provide the gain for a moving coil.  I have tested both extensively.