Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric

Budget is $10k.

I want something that plays SACDs as well as redbook.

Must have US service available.

I mention Esoteric as they appear to be one of the few still pushing the envelope as well as supporting SACD in this price range.


Showing 1 response by mahler123

Esoteric makes great sounding players.  My concern would be servicing.  There were a few threads about poor US service approximately a year or 2 ago.  Perhaps there were some pandemic issues that have been resolved, but especially as you identified service as a priority in your OP, I would want to have that sorted out before you buy.

  Personally I use an Oppo 105 as a transport into a Bryston DAC.  With SACD I output the Oppo DSD over HDMI into the Bryston