Looking for a cd player that plays nice with classical orchestra.

Looking for a new cd player that loves classical- not analytical-leans towards "euphonic"[ whoops! did I say a bad word?] Vanalstine tube preamp,Vanalstine solid state[225++ per side} amp, Maggie 1.7i s. No streaming, no bluetooth.Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by mahler123

My Bryston DAC3 gives me a mid concert hall experience, and the 4 HDMI inputs are nice because it can take the DSD feed from SACDs
Never heard a Hegel, but yes, it gets pretty good reviews.  What is the “part shortage”?  Is it the DAC chip?  The chip manufacturer AKM lost their factory in a fire.  My Bryston DAC recommendation and their CD players would be affected here as well.
  If it is chip availability issue, then I wouldn’t worry to much, as nothing really happens to break a DAC chip.  If otoh its something else, like a disc transport, and someone has already returned the item, I’d be a bit more concerned.  Is the dealer offering a return policy?  And where is the service center located if there is a problem?  Hopefully you don’t have to ship it back to Norway