Looking for a CD Player

I am in the process of replacing my Moon CD 5 CD Player --- or might be no reason to replace my present CD Player.  The next CD player if purchased is probably going to be my last as I am a senior in age.  My wife and I are tired of getting up and down and up and down did I mention up and down to listen to the other side of an album. So, we have a number of CDs and frankly like the ease of listening to them.  Not wanting to purchase streaming music.  Therefore, we / I need an education on two subjects -    Do we need to have a DAC incorporated in the CD player and secondly do we need to have SACD capability??  Not wanting to spend more than 3000.00.  All the help would be appreciated.


Showing 3 responses by freediver

OP,I know you said your NOT interested in streaming BUT you are missing out on an entire UNIVERSE of music,known & new to you & your wife..If you have a computer,ALL YOU NEED to start is a FREE,Pandora account!You can even check it out through your Smart Phone!
Once you see how amazing it is,you can always upgrade to better sound with a $6.00 per month,Pandora + account & a dedicated streamer like the ones that have been recommended already..

OP,I wanted to expound on what Pandora offers to you..
All you do is enter a specific genre or artist in search mode & the Pandora algorythm will que up pretty much EVERY song ever made in that genre or by that artist,along with songs that have a similar style..You can Thumbs UP or THUMBS DOWN songs that don’t fit your taste..Then you can set these up as "stations"..
 About the only "bad"thing I can think of is,it's NOT like listening to every song on a CD..It's more like putting several CD's on a multi disc player & pushing "shuffle".. 
As far as what music you do get here is a few examples:
I love listening to 40’s Big Band & Swing on Sunday Mourning’s..So I started by searching "Andrew Sisters"..Since I wanted to start my Sundays quietly,I only thumbs up slow,quiet songs,creating my Big Band station..Then searching "Swing"I chose more up tempo songs & "thumbs up"those,"thumbs down"on slow,quiet songs..Now I have 2 stations that cover Big Band ballads & instrumentals,and a second station that swings & bops,covering the entire 1940’s...
I also love Dean Martin,Sinatra & the Rat Pack..Easy,searched Dean Martin,thumbs up on a few songs & now my station is jam packed with every song ever recorded by those guys...
1950’s ballads,searched Ricky Nelson,done..1950’s rock,searched Chubby Checker,Elvis & Chuck Berry,done...Saturdays are for Reggae/Island/Surfer type music,searched Jimmy Buffett,Bob Marley,Jimmy Cliff & the Beach Boys,done...

Two things to note..
First you will get "golden ears"pushing the fact that Pandora uses a compressed signal that is not a high resolution stream..If you do not have a really good system,or you have some age related hearing lose,you will likely never notice the compression..
Second,unless you have a decent system AND good hearing still,you don’t need anything fancy or expensive..A few of the inexpensive streamers available today offer superb,CD quality sound for just a few hundred dollars..
I recommend that BEFORE you spend a lot of $ replacing that CD player,you start out just trying the FREE Pandora Account on your phone or computer..Play around with it,even for just 1 hour & I’m betting good $ you will be thrilled & eager to embrace the tech!!!

@jayctoy ,he also said he's not computer or phone "savy" so all help is welcome...At our advanced age,it's hard for some not exposed to the tech to even comprehend how amazing streaming truly is..IMO spending good $ on a CD player is a WASTE!
 He also said they were tired of getting up & down to change music & that they like the ease of playing music on CD...These factors clearly point to streaming as the direction he should take,he only needs a bit of education...