looking for a better DVD player

Hello All,

I tried this thread on the HT heading under a different title and got no response. Lets see if the digital heading will do better.

I'm considering replacing my Pioneer Elite DVC-36 DVD player and these machines have caught my attention. The Ayre D-1, Arcam FMJ DV-27 and the Camelot Technology Round Table. Anyone out there w/personal experience and or opinions, I would love to hear from you. I already have a music only cdp, the Metronome CD2v Signiture, so the most important thing is the best video and surround sound performance. If you know of any other player(s) I should add to this list, I would like to hear from you as well. My TV is a Mitsubishi 46809 HD ready RPTV. Any info would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance......John

Showing 1 response by porschecab

I would go out on a limb and say that 99.9% of the peeople would not notice the sound variations on any of these players you mentioned. At some level, the trade offs become mute, and I would say at those levels, you have hit it.

The Camelot is supposed to be fabulous, as is the Ayre, but the unit I selected over the Camelot was the EAD Theatervision. In the Great DVD Shootout, this unit finished 'second' to the Camelot, but can be found preowned for about $1,350-$1,650. Probably $1,000 less than the Camelot.

That said, you did mention the fact that you already have a CD player otherwise I would suggest the unit I am currently using, which I feel is the best all in one DVD player in the world (as if that means anything) from a value standpoint, the California Audio Labs CL-2500 DVD/CD.
Although the company is OOB now, still an ABSOLUTELY phenomenal transports, with stellar video and audio for films. Heck, for less than $1,000 preowned, again, a steal!
