looking at upgrading my tonearm from a triplanar

I have a Galibier Gavia table, ZYX Universe II cartridge and a triplanar tonearm running through a Doshi Aalap preamp.

The sound is wonderful but I can't help but feel I could enhance the vinyl rig by upgrading the tonearm,
particularly gaining low level detail.

I've read up on a few models and I am looking for input on an arm that would be a significant step up from the triplanar.

I am particularly interested in comments from previous triplanar owners on sonic improvements with a new arm

the Durand Talea, Kuzma 4 Point and Graham are on my short list. I am not considering anything above $10k



Showing 1 response by mosin

The Schröder LT (linear track) tonearm is one worth some very serious consideration. You are likely to hear improved resolution in the lower registers.