Looking at upgrading a Rega P-25/Lyra Helikon cart

Wanting to upgrade my Rega P-25. I'm using a Lyra Helikon cart on the Rega. I've read some issues about the cart not working on Nottingham Spacedeck tables with space arms. Previous P-25 users! What table did you go to? Any Helikon users mounted to Nottingham,Basis,Well Tempered tables? What works for you would certainly help me narrow down choices. All suggestions and opinions would be greatly appreciated..............
I have my my Helikon on a SME 20/2 with SME IV'Vi arm. Great combo. If that's a little pricey, The SME 10 and SME arm is a great table as well...

BTW, I upgraded from a Rega 25 when I got the SME. It buries the Rega. Everything, detail, unbelievable quietness, soundstage, you name it. Of course, so does the price...