Looking at tubes ...

Isn't this like watching the visualizer in iTunes or Winamp? I like that, but is it worth the cost?

I like VU meters too, have them on my Son of Ampzilla.

Is it the same kind of thing? I'm on the fence about tubes, but I do have some Maggies now.

I was never a believer in the 70's, I have no experience with any tube amps or preamps.


Showing 1 response by kehut

I used to love watching the tubes..Until on more than one occasion, one would glow cherry red and quit! It got to the point I was staring at the tubes to make sure they were "behaving" normally and subconsciously worried while not paying attention to the music!

Now, I run SS amps and let the tubes in the pre amp do their thing without having to stare at any tubes!!

Seriously, I love tube amps and surely will own more again!
If you plan on keeping your Maggies..be sure to use LOTS of good tubes! ;-)