In this situation you're in the "cage" or "gridlock". Phono cables are thin and have high per/unit resistance. Making them longer will certainly increase it thus decreasing the cartridge output to the phonostage very often with big deal of dynamics loss and even details. If I knew your amp I would tell you more precisely if you can use long and thick speaker cables. Usually low-powered zero feedback amps can oscilate driving the long and thick runs. For high current amps it's no problem.
Longer speaker cables or phono cables?
I need to rearrange a bit in order to get my turntable further away from my speakers, thereby eliminating some foul sonic feedback. I would prefer not to move my rack of other components and/or change my speakers to the short wall, but will, if I must. The way I see it, I can either get a different (longer) set phono cables and move the TT or get longer speaker cables and make that adjustment. which is preferable in anyone's experience?