Long term audiophile seeks room acoustic experience...,

I'm looking for real word exp with room acoustic treatments ideally from those that have had success and more importantly those that have not. I have done almost everything but acoustically treat my room/rooms. So questions are...

Is it possible to over treat a room? What should I start with? Corners? Behind the speakers, if so to the left or right or directly behind the main speakers? Behind my head? Ceiling? Whats most critical. In your mind? What is just about the correct in balancing liveliness vs damped? How do you know if your too lively or damped?

My current listening room is small!!! 20 x 16 x 8 feet ceiling with windows on one side and a large 7 X 7 foot opening on the other. Floors are Pergo over cement and brick wall behind my head. Unfortunately given the small room that is my seating position and cant be changed. I do however have an extra Large all fabric L section couch that is very damped but only to about 30 inches high. I also have some cheap 12 x 12 square treatments on my armoire doors just on the inside of my speakers that are angled and I feel help a bit.

Thank you for all you Obi"1" ness so I can start on the right track!


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

It is dependent on speaker technology and speaker location. My best results for cone floor standing speakers has been:

1) wall behind speaker first (I use heavy Afghan carpet as a wall hanging). There are products to do this as well. For ribbon speakers it was better without this. Behind each speaker and center.
2) side wall reflections. Currently I have a big room and racks and racks of albums and CDs on the side walls (25’+ Width though). Diffuser panels available.
3) my floors have always been carpeted... but this will be important. You want carpet at reflection from the speakers.
4) bass traps in front corners (the tall tubes)
5) Rear reflections... my current room is big and dampened so not a prblm
5) Front ceiling corners (these are cheap)

There is more possible, obviously. These have provided improvements in this order for me.

for dynamic speakers don’t put the whole system in the middle between the speakers against the wall... it screws up the imaging. I just have my amp on the floor.