long lasting cart

I listen to records about 30 to 40 hours a week in my home office. I have a Music Hall 5.1 with a Nagaoka mp 200. Thinking about a Soundsmith zepher ll. But it would only last 6 months. So maybe ?????

Showing 1 response by cleeds

Styluses do not wear out ...
There are only two ways to eliminate wear on a phono stylus: Don’t use the cartridge, or find a way to eliminate friction. If you’ve found the latter, then you’ve solved the perpetual motion challenge and can become wealthy beyond your wildest imagination.
I never have to clean records.
Maybe you never remove your records from their sleeves and actually play them, which would also explain your claim that your stylus never wears out. Do you live in a lab-quality clean room? That would also explain how your records remain immaculate. Otherwise, your records aren’t clean and you either don’t know it, or accept that they are are "clean enough."
I do not buy used records
Even brand new records can benefit from cleaning. Have you ever been to an LP pressing plant? You might be surprised, because records aren't made in clean rooms.