Zoya wrote:
Not exactly. Short is better for both balanced and unbalanced because they both have capacitance and the low-pass filtering effect is identical for both.
As for acting as an antenna, this can happen, but it is caused by the ground loops in the system (particularly large loop areas), not the interconnects themselves. Obviously, balanced IC's have common-mode rejection, so even if there are ground-loops and the associated noise, this will be cancelled out at the balanced receiver, unless it is really bad, then this won't even help.
If you're not using balanced IC, it should be as short as possible. Otherwise, it will act like antenna
Not exactly. Short is better for both balanced and unbalanced because they both have capacitance and the low-pass filtering effect is identical for both.
As for acting as an antenna, this can happen, but it is caused by the ground loops in the system (particularly large loop areas), not the interconnects themselves. Obviously, balanced IC's have common-mode rejection, so even if there are ground-loops and the associated noise, this will be cancelled out at the balanced receiver, unless it is really bad, then this won't even help.