London Decca

I just purchased a London Decca Super Gold.
I'm wondering if anyone has compared it the Jubilee and/or the Reference. I'm loving the Super Gold and I'm wondering if it is worth the money to move up the line.

Showing 5 responses by exlibris

Yes, mine is the newest version and I purchased it from Warren.
You can follow my 'system' link to see my system.
I'm using an Air Tangent linear tracking tonearm.
The cartridge is great and, right now, I just can't imagine going back to a traditional cartridge. That, however, may change -- things often do in this hobby.
Everyday I'm startled by what this cartridge does on my records. With some songs it's almost like I'm hearing them for the first time.
That's interesting about the phono cables. I have only ever heard the SG with my Kondo silver tonearm cable.
Can you tell me/the community what Warren recommends and, possibly, what to look for in a tonearm/phono cable to get the most from the Decca carts?
Warren offered me a good price on the Reference and full refund for returning the Super Gold.
I will post my review to this thread but it won't be for a few weeks.
Warren Gregoire has some used Deccas and can offer attractive pricing on new ones. He will also be able to tell you if your arm is a good match for a Decca.
I installed the London Decca Reference. I was told that it would have the dynamics of the Super Gold with more sophistication and nuance.
It is actually much more powerful sounding than the Super Gold.
It seems to energize all the air in the room and really make the speakers disappear on many songs.
It is also much more 'real' sounding than the Super Gold in that it you don't have to use much imagination to believe that there are real people playing real instruments in your room.
I honestly can't imagine a better cartridge - perhaps if there was one that had all the same positives and was as quiet in the groove as my ZYX.