Location of instruments in the orchestra...

I'm streaming a recording of Beethoven's Symphony No 1 in C Major.  It seems that the violin section is on the right side of the recording and the cellos and basses are on the left side.  From my experience (I have sat front row at many symphony concerts), the violin section is always on the left side and the cellos on the right (sometimes the basses are on the left, sometimes on the right).  

Do you think this is the fault of the recording or the mixing, or should I reverse my speakers?  How do you know if you have the speakers on the correct sides?  What do you think?


Showing 1 response by rcprince

Some conductors prefer different positions for the various string sections. I have seen first and second violins on opposite sides of the orchestra, and sometimes the celli and violas are switched.  I have also seen situations where the company making the recording made the mistake (in one case on a Classic Records reissue on their 24 bit DADs, the reversal came between the first and second movements of a Gershwin piece). 

All that said, agree with Newbee.