"local" sacd's

Does anyone know of any stores that carry SACD's. Mail order is o.k. but you know it is so much funner to buy it and have that instant gratification thing going on.

Showing 2 responses by rcprince

I'm sorry to say that, in the NYC area, the only place I've found carrying them is Tower, and their selection is pretty much limited to a few of the Sony discs, which they kept in the rock area next to the mini discs (oh, the irony), and the Delos Mahler 2 (which they didn't even know they had!). I haven't checked HMV, nor visited J&R lately, so I'll have to check them out. I guess when "Goody's got 'em", we'll know the medium has caught on.
Excellent post, Onhwy61. Markel's point about upsamplers (or filters, or whatever they really are) is a good one, and I in fact did that about a year ago when I bought a Purcell upsampler, rationalizing at the time that between a $5000 SACD player with no software and a $5000 upsampler which made my 1500 or so Cds all sound better, I'd take the upsampler. I have not regretted that purchase. I then bought an SACD player (777ES) when the price came down to $1500 last fall and upgraded it as described in other posts. I can see the lowering of prices on these units only as a positive; if the masses buy them, it may encourage the making of more software. As far as comparing upsampled Cds vs. SACDs--same recordings, and the analog stages of the SACD player and DAC (Audio Logic) being the same--I can tell you my opinion, which is that while the Cds sound very, very good, the SACDs are more natural and have a greater ease to them, closer to analog and real music. I can listen to both very easily, but the SACD (and, I will also gratuitously add, vinyl) is my preference.