Live Vibe Audio

It's time for me to purchase a new audio rack. Unfortunately I don't have the opportunity to hear one in my system prior to purchase. Does anyone have first hand experience with Live Vibe Audio racks? If so, please share your experience. 


Showing 1 response by mclinnguy

Some speed of sound stats from the engineering toolbox: 


Solid Speed of Sound

Longitudinal Shear Extensional
Aluminum, rolled 6420 3040 5000
Antimony     3400
Beryllium 12890 8880 12870
Bismut 2180   1790
Brass (70% Cu, 30% Zn) 4700 2110 3480
Brick 4200 3600  
Cadmium 2780   2400
Concrete 3700 3200  
Constantan 5177 2625 4270
Copper, annealed 4760 2325 3810
Copper, rolled 5010 2270 3750
Cork 518 366  
Diamond 12000    
Duralumin 6320 3130 5150
Glass, heavy silicate flint 3980 2380 3720
Glass, light borate crown 5100 2840 4540
Glass, pyrex 5640 3280 5140
Gold, hard drawn 3240 1200 2030
Granite 5950    
Iridium     4790
Iron, cast 4994 2809 4480
Iron, electrolytic 5950 3240 5120
Ivory     3010
Lead, annealed 2160 700 1190
Lead, rolled 1960 690 1210
Lucite 2680 1100 1840
Magnesium, annealed 5770 3050 4940
Manganese 4660   3830
Marble     3810
Molybdenum 6250 3350 5400
Monel 5350 2720 4400
Nickel 6040 3000 4900
Nylon 6/6 2620 1070 1800
Platinum 3260 1730 2800
Polyethylene 1950 540 920
Polystyrene 2350 1120 1840
Rubber, butyl 1830    
Rubber, gum 1550    
Rubber, neoprene 1600    
Silica, fused 5968 3764 5760
Silver 3650 1610 2680
Slate     4510
Steel (1% C) 5940 3220 5180
Steel, stainless 5790 3100 5000
Tantalium     3350
Tin, rolled 3320 1670 2730
Titanium 6070 3125 5090
Tungsten, annealed 5220 2890 4620
Tungsten, drawn 5410 2640 4320
Tungsten carbide 6655 3980 6220
Wood (hard) 3960    
Wood, longitudinal parallel with grain  3300 - 5000    
Zinc, rolled 4210 2440 3850