Live Performances Gone Awry

I couldn't help but think about the time I saw Steven Tyler stagger across the stage and pass out back in the early 80's, and how Stevie Nicks cancelled a concert at the New York State Fair around 1987-88 because she had such a bad cocaine problem. The Stevie Nick's show really upset me because she didn't reschedule and they didn't announce it until two hours before the show.

Anyone one else have any poor experiences at a live show they'd like to share? Grateful Dead welcome but please no stories of fans.

Showing 2 responses by duanegoosen

Stranglers,(if memory serves) early 80's small club called Galactica 2000 in Sacramento. Enterprising group of hoods sent a couple of guys into a crawl space above the stage... they stomped through the ceiling and fell through while the band was playing... as the place went nuts, cohorts cleaned out the til and split... From what I'd heard the club was losing $$$ already and they closed down shortly afterwards.
Not too surprising, given his level of critical thinking skills. Wouldn't be surprised if he regularly poops his pants too since ol' terrible turd is at least 98% arsehole.