Little two-way boxes on a stand....

Yes, I have had some of them, SOTA ones...and compared to better Magnepans, Martin-Logans and even old Thiels and the end result they sounded like little two way boxes on a stand.  Is this  "The King Has No Clothes" ....?  
I give you the harbeth p3ser and the wharfedale diamond 225’s both great standmount 2-ways in their own right. Me, I now own Tannoy legacy "standmount" 2-ways (concentric drivers) and to call them standmounters is a stretch...they might as well be floorstanders as they are behemoths!
I think it very much depends on what type of music you prefer.  I don't find them satisfying on any type of large scale music.  Orchestral or rock sound very weak and a sub doesn't solve the problem.  This type of music requires a large woofer that plays above the subwoofer frequency range to sound right.  A small woofer can't provide a realistic punch.  I think you need at least 8" and 10 or 12 is better.

On the other hand, if you listen to smaller scale music, I think small monitors and a sub are fine.  I find them nearly indistinguishable.