Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?

My system with Cary SLP-05 sounds great, but just a little bit "forward" to my taste. My PC and interconnects all are Wireworld, and I feel to explore all SLP-05 potential I need something better - I am thinking about Kubala-Sosna, Purist Audio, Nordost, Shunyata...
I know the choice of cables is system dependent, and matter of taste... But, is there a common opinion which cables are known for tendency to "forward" sound and I should avoid?
I do not have experience with cables and any help to narrow my choice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by ryder

What model is your Wireworld interconnect? I've owned the Eclipse II and still have the Super Eclipse 5 and they are not bright but rather neutral and clean. Brightness can sometimes be caused by the room itself due to reflection from the front, side and rear walls especially in small rooms resulting in sharp piercing treble.
Homosapien, no offense taken. Adjectives used in audio can sometimes be confusing especially with cables when objectively we cannot quantify brightness or warmth with them. I often associate forwardness with brightness and laidback with warmth so I have presumed your system sounded a little "bright". Now I understand what you're looking at. As Tvad has suggested(which I agree), wires won't do it as they are more towards fine tuning the sound. If you want to sit a few rows back and have a more 3-dimensional sound, you can either look at the electronics or the room for bigger effect. You can be surprised on the changes if you place some diffusor panels at the back of your speakers. In my case, I find the effect to be 10X more noticeable than swapping cables.