Listening Room: Diffusion vs. Absorption

I am setting up a dedicated listening room and have been looking at different acoustic treatments. Currently, the 12"x17" room is highly reflective, and actually hurt my hears when my system is played at any decent volume, I stapled Fiberglas insulation at appropriate points in the room and my ears no longer hurt but the room sounds dead, w/ no ambience. I had been planning to use acoustic foam to dampen reflection but am now thinking about solving my problems by using diffusors. Anyone have any experience in this area? Will appropriate use of diffusors give the room more ambiance? Any experience with RPG Diffusor Systems or their BAD Panel, Omniffusor, or Skyline systems?

Showing 1 response by rrgordon

No experience with the pieces you mention, but I have two suggestions. Use wood wall paneling instead of fiberglass. In a 10x12 room I once used, I found it was the difference between ho-hum and magic. Wood paneling, though not often mentioned, I think is a terrific way to go because it enhances the signal with the right amount of reinforcement. I also have used Room Lenses in a room 13x21 to excellent effect. It is both a diffuser and absorber and produces sonic results similar to the wood paneling. I'm curious if others have found paneling to be as effective. Good luck.