Listening Fatigue

What do you guys think contributes more to listening fatigue. Volume, or the type of electronics or speaker you have? thanks

Showing 3 responses by mejames

#1 recording quality or lack of quality actually. If it's recorded correctly there shouldn't be any listener fatigue. the system components also play a large role in this equation also speakers are the hardest component to make fatigue less most speakers simply cannot sound unstressed at real live music levels. those that can are usually big elaborate expensive speakers i.e. Genesis 201 see my system below.stress = 0
mint604 "The sealed acoustic suspension speaker enclosure is the single WORST audio invention of all time"
This statement is utterly ridiculous. Many of the worlds best speakers available are sealed acoustic suspension designs. Dunlavy to name just 1.
isn't this thread getting interesting? Stehno why don't you just answer Sean's questions they seem very fair to me?