Listening distance

In other threads we discussed speaker placement , equal triangles and 83% triangles , I just wondered what the average speaker to ear distance was . Seems like a lot of friends are further back than traditional wisdom suggests .
Will warmer systems bring you closer to hear more detail and brighter systems move you back ?
I'm about nine and a half feet back .

Showing 1 response by palasr

Since stereo reproduction is a psychoacoustical phenomenon, I tend to move forward and back by around a foot while listening depending on the recording. My thought is that the perceived soundstage for any given recording is dictated by the person who was originally twiddling the knobs, and that individual's setup (distance from monitors, toe-in angle, nature of control room acoustic, their hearing and personal taste) all have an effect as to how and where the soundstage unfolds upon reproduction.

For a point of reference however, I tend to use a mono recording to 'set' where the listening distance ought to be for my room and system, other times I'll use pink noise.

Either way, a good system (and room) should be able to present a satisfying presentation without necessitating the proverbial "head in a vice". Just a thought.