LISTENER Magazine...What Do You Think?

Would like to find out what other Audiogon members think
about this magazine. Do you find it a bit quirky?
I started a one year subscription about a year ago. And
while I do enjoy some of the articles and reviews; there
are some items that leave me wondering why I bother to read
it at all. There are reviews of equipment I've never heard
of; and that no local dealer carries. Also, in the latest
"Letters" section there is a letter from a reader that
questions a past review; and the "Reply" is one of the
nastiest and most hostile I've ever seen in any publication.

Showing 1 response by rec

I have read Listener since the first issue, it is becoming the MAD magazine of audio. Too much wasted ink on trying to be cute and witty. I respect Art Dudley's opinions but his reply to letter writers are sometime quite vicious. In his defense it is HIS magazine and he can do what he wants. I find too many of the reviews entry level and have no interest at all. It is also very tiring reading all the slams against the other audio magazines. They are never directly mentioned but anyone who is a regular reader knows who they are talking about. I think there is great potential there and I hope they spend less time on sarcasm and more time reviewing audio.