Interesting posts! Thanks...
I will make my comment tomorrow i must sleep.... 😊
Good night!
Listen with your skin.
So today it was a little too warm upstairs where my main system is.
I took off my shirt. That’s better. Hey…wait a minute does the music sound a tiny bit different? Better even?
Well it seems the answer could be YES.
There’s been scientific testing of the skin’s contribution to hearing. Not sure if it applies to listening to music, but it’s worth us subjectively testing it.
I can see it now. We’ll be able to recognize each other at the next
big audio fair. We’ll be the guys wearing a bathing suit and flip flops.
Anything that affects perceptions account for what we hear, smell, touch, and feel. Mental, physical, and spiritual conditions inclusive. Not the “Zen” type myself but my skin had been acting up as of late. With multiple upgrades, tweaks, and reconfigurations, I’d been getting frequent goosebumps listening to my systems. I still don’t get how one’s skin can hear, but perhaps is our overall perceptions that we’re all referring to. |
Perception is not sensation... In perception which is a subjective but nonetheless real experience, not an hallucination or the so called "illusions" or placebos, which are all DIFFERENT phenomena, in perception synesthesia and conceptual schematisation plays a great role... For example to give you an idea of this deep and complex subject, a synesthete who associate sounds and colors will do so in a completely subjective and idiosyncratic way ; none other synesthetes may exhibit exactly the same association, but the specific association will endure in time and be stable for this individual then for him "objectively" real... And for an observer this synesthesia will appear then under test of the subject as real and has nothing to do with hallucinations , placebo or illusions...
The synesthesia which is a communication, resonance,interference or translation between the senses, can be UNDER the conscious level and stay there ; or being over the conscious level and stay there... There is level of synesthesia and many forms... It is evident for me for example that music told a story in geometrical patterns, sometimes very vivid, like cinema... A Bruckner symphonies may be a movie... In my case, i am not a full blown conscious synesthetes, the phenomenon manifest in relaxation state when i am very deeply concentrate on the sounds, not at the unconscious nor at the conscious, but at the subconscious level , then acessible to my attention... for me music is fractals dynamics... i remember even the first day i was struck by this without even knowing what it is... i was 13 years old and the music teacher put Bach , who i never listened to before, i was instanteneously put in a trance, i did not have any concept nor a name for this experience , i was in awe without even knowing WHY ... Bach became my long life best composer over anything else.. His geometrical dynamic is perfect this is why and for me it contains cosmos secret language ...I did not know that at 13 years old, but this motivate my interest in mathematics as meaning of the higher kind.. Here, in the links above , you can have an idea of this experience but in my case they are not simple geometrical shape associated with tones but dynamical fractals histories patterns interpenetrating... Each Composer had his own style.. My experience is more geometrical than colored... The colors are only "abstract" labels put on a dynamical geometrical history ...But in the case of Scriabin my experience is almost in colors, i cannot describe it it was so powerful , i remember my first scriabin listening...Scriabin anyway was a synesthete... With Bach it is my favorite composer for the same reason.. Not surprising that one of the most influential book in my life, i bought it almost first before the english translation , fractals objects by Benoit Mandelbrot... I immediately understood the book because of this intuition/imagination about music and form in my sub conscious listening experience... Here a conscious synestete , a violonist, explain his color and sound synethesia :
Now what this means for audio, cables, amplifiers, speakers/room, etc; this means that each of us can tap internal tool of perception and we can learn to listen to phenomena that will refine our perceptions , and that will help us to tune our system in a way , no materialist conditioned by scientism can understood as "real"... Training our ears with acoustic experiments will means compute room dimension as any acoustician can do and put in place acoustic devices in this room accordingly to these objective measures... But it will also means tune the time factors between waves and the ratio of reflective and diffusive and absorbing waves to increase your own "subjective/objective" subconscious or conscious or unconscious synesthete experience...And also please and learn about your own ears/brain specific filters and systems... Then you learn basic acoustic, you learn how to focus your attention , and your learn how to increase from the unconscious or from the subconscious the synestesia real experience to the conscious is what we call LEARNING HOW TO HEAR AND TO LISTEN... Add to this the music experience as a language... You then can understood why hearing is not as naive people think about only a matter of objective acuity expressed in Decibels and Hertz resolution levels as "objectivist" claim , it is not false, but it is not even wrong...These decibels and Hertz levels controls aure useful on psycho-physics experiments yes, this does not means that they tell us all the tales to tell about hearing and sounds qualities, which are now as you can guess , nor objective nor subjective, but tune for our own individuality as our personal tools and esthetical roads.. Here it is not necessary to joke about "tin foil hat" or "drugs", it will only show your own ignorance for all to be seen ... Stay modest... keep your sarcasm... 😊 And "objectivist" conditioned by tools scientism , not science, can pass their turn and MEDITATE and STUDY... After all science does not exist in the singular but in the plural forms , and we understood something when we are able to relate it to other fields too.. As Lichtenberg said and Paul Feyerabend after him : “He who understands nothing but chemistry
We dont know what is a sound by the way.... Saying that it is ONLY and MERELY waves , is not even wrong... It is a misrepresentation of the complete more complex truth... i will spoke about it later... This describe well my experience of music :
I won’t get into the skin changing what we hear, but different people experience music through the body more than others. I personally do NOT want my body below my neck excited by bass or horns or anything else I play. It bothers me greatly, while others need to feel it in their gut. They need a (word carefully chosen) visceral experience. There’s certainly a great deal of validity to including how you want to feel (not emotionally) when you listen to music, I just really hope you’ll all keep your shirts on in the store. |