List your System Ingredients: Listed most to least expensive, by list price or price paid

How did you proportion your system spending? You can choose to list by component name or type, and by the the price you actually paid new or used, OR by the original full retail price. Just be consistent. 

For example, by price paid mine would be-

Millercarbon: Tone arm, speakers, phono stage, motor, cartridge, turntable, Cones (rack, Shelf, etc), speaker cable, power cords, room treatment and tweaks, amp, interconnect.

But by full retail price when new mine would be:

Millercarbon: Speakers, speaker cables, tone arm, Cones (rack, Shelf, etc), phono stage, power cords, cartridge, motor, interconnect,  amp, room treatment and tweaks (fuses, ECT, HFT, etc).


Showing 11 responses by millercarbon

Leaving out price is deliberate and makes it decidedly not a measuring contest. Leaving out even percentages makes it purely a list of which cost more- and letting people choose to go with either MSRP or what they paid is yet another way of hiding or avoiding the BSD effect. For once you can have Rotel, and nobody gives a Schiit.
Naw, when the likes of elizabeth and geoffkait show up the best one can hope for is a dead cat bounce. There comes a point where the inanity is so bad no one wants to be associated with it in any way, and so the asylum is left to the inmates.

But: people asked what use could this serve, what could we learn?

Van Halen performance contracts specified no blue M&Ms. Turns out the M&Ms were just a clever way of checking to see if the contract had actually been read. 

When people can't follow a complex line of reasoning its one thing. But when you prove the same people can't even read and comprehend well enough to follow something this simple well now that tells you something too, doesn't it? 

Or maybe this whole thread was a McGuffin. Alfred Hitchcock's term for whatever it is that serves to get the protagonists protagonizing. And yeah I know this is over your head, but maybe not everyone else's.

But consider. A perfectly nice little thread, more pleasant than most according to some, not only ruined but ruined with bullying. Trust me, elizabeth, I know I don't own this space. But do you?

List your System Ingredients: Listed most to least expensive, by list price or price paid

How did you proportion your system spending? You can choose to list by component name or type, and by the the price you actually paid new or used, OR by the original full retail price. Just be consistent.

The great reviewer Robert Harley has said the foundation of the high end audio system is the turntable. petg60 seems to have taken that to heart.
My spider senses are tingling mmporsche, and my finely honed Holmesian deductive powers lead me to the inescapable conclusion a man with a VPI Prime Signature Turntable most likely is using a phono cartridge, a mysteriously missing ingredient. Surely a man with a $5k DAC and $5k record cleaning machine must have at least as much in his cartridge??
List your System Ingredients: Listed most to least expensive, by list price or price paid

Not by percentage. Not alphabetically.

While all those might be interesting, the deal here is by price.

Throw in a few relevant details, key word being "relevant", so much the better.

almarg writes:
Seems to me like a very reasonable idea for a thread, that would be of interest to some even if (as might be expected) clear trends don’t emerge. For one thing, lack of a trend could in itself be reasonably considered to be a trend. For another thing, it seems expectable that many audiophiles would find it interesting to gain some idea of how other audiophiles have apportioned their audio-related investments, especially other audiophiles they may have become familiar with here, over the years.

In any event, at least so far it seems like a considerably more pleasant thread than some others I can think of.

-- Al

Indeed. Quite so. Thanks!
tuberist, Is that it? Surely you have more. I mean the rule with ingredients is everything has to be listed. Is your system so simple it is just speakers, DAC and amp without a transport or even wires to connect them all together? Come on, don't be holding back on us. You list all the ingredients or the FDA gonna have a hissy fit!
I don't proportion my system spending.  

Maybe I did when I first started about 40 years ago and had to operate within a meager working college student budget.

I’ve spent what I’ve needed to spend at any particular time (within reason) over the years to get things to where I wanted them to be and did it one step at a time.

Right. Same here. Because the trick with an existing system is to find the upgrade that will get you the most for your money. Only when buying everything all at once do you need to budget that way. So this is a snapshot. Doing it this way without prices or even percentages eliminates a lot of detail. Still I think it is illuminating. A pattern may be emerging. Or maybe not. We will just have to see.
Uh oh, can't hardly believe this but just realized I forgot to include my five subwoofers! The four DBA subs I built together with the one I had would vault speakers to #1. Although, just to be consistent, if adding subs and speakers together then should probably add motor, arm and cartridge to the turntable, in which case then going by retail when new it would be:

Turntable, speakers, speaker cables, Cones/rack/Shelf, phono stage, power cords, interconnects, amp, room treatment and tweaks (fuses, ECT, HFT, PHT, Cable Elevators, etc).
Speakers, DEQX Preamp/Processor, Power Amplifier, Phono Stage, Headphones & Headphone Amp,Turntable, CD Player, Record Cleaning Machine, Tonearm, Phono Cartridge, Isolation Products (platforms, footers, etc.), Power Conditioners, Cables & Power Cords, Cassette Deck, Squeezebox Touch, Miscellaneous Accessories.

Yeah I expect there’ll be a lot of the most being spent on speakers. Headphones surprisingly high up on the list. Thanks!