List of albums that will still be popular 50 years from now...

We all know that classical music will still be on demand 50 years from now, but what about pop music that will still be on demand?
I'd like to list few titles and the rest leave to the contributors!

1. Henry Mancini "Pink Panther" as the best score he's ever wrote
2. Sesame Street "Born To Add"
3. Believe it or not, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" will still be there and hot!
4. Miles Davis "Kind of Blue
5. Dave Brubeck "Time Out"

Showing 8 responses by inna

Miles Davis’s music cannot be called popular music. Or John McLaughlin’s.
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd - The Wall
Deep Purple - Machine Head
Elvis Presley - various songs
Not sure about anything else.
And in 500 years all of this is probably going to be forgotten. Why not forget it now and let the new music emerge?
So you are on your way too.
But I will never stop listening to Bitches Brew and Pangaea by Miles and to some McLaughlin's music. Or Camaron's flamenco singing. And I hope all this will still be listened to, at least by some, in 500000 years.
We live forever.
Czarivey, it's a long process, it takes time. But I am on my way, I gradually stop listening most of what I have been listening.
In 500 years it is possible that humans will change quite dramatically, perhaps becoming sort of enhanced humanoids or something else, and music as we know it will be irrelevant.
But in the near future Western and Middle Eastern classical music should survive.
I prefer this one:

White people have some nasty habits. But they are not alone. And who did they learn it from, by the way?