List of albums that will still be popular 50 years from now...

We all know that classical music will still be on demand 50 years from now, but what about pop music that will still be on demand?
I'd like to list few titles and the rest leave to the contributors!

1. Henry Mancini "Pink Panther" as the best score he's ever wrote
2. Sesame Street "Born To Add"
3. Believe it or not, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" will still be there and hot!
4. Miles Davis "Kind of Blue
5. Dave Brubeck "Time Out"

Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

+1 mofimadness, those were some good albums.

I find the saddest part of music today is the loss of the album structure. I can only hope future generations will rediscover how we used to listen to music.