Linux Music System Help

I have recently lost my son who was was my IT admin/computer music system guru. At 19 he was a brilliant computer guy, and I allowed him to convert all of my computing to Linux, and he eventually converted my long-standing optimized 2009 MacMini with attached HD to DAC music system to a Linux Rpi4 with attached HD (exclusively lossless Redbook files btw) wireless to a 2nd Rpi4 running Volumio wired to my DAC and managed (somehow) wireless from a Mac laptop also running Linux. This system is stable and sounds great, but I have no idea how to manage it or how to troubleshoot any of it, and that make me very nervous. I don't even know how to check if my back-up drive is backing up my irreplaceable HD music library, which is why I reach out here for advice from the community on what my future plan could be or should be. Though I am enjoying the SQ of this extremely low cost dual Rpi4 system, I am wondering if, under the circumstances, if I wouldn't be better off (safer) with a "one box" plug and play type solution that I can attach my HD loaded with lossless files and my back-up HD to and be done with it. The GUI I use currently to manage my music library on the laptop is Clementine via Remmina (VPN)- this has allowed me the ability to add and remove music from my library, and it's critical that I be able to do both. Can anyone recommend an off the shelf commercial product that can do what I describe, and that either has an internal DAC equal to or superior to my trusty Bel Canto Dac3 or that can output digital to my current DAC, and then I will output via Balanced cables to my preamp and then finally Balanced out to my ATC actives? My current end-point architecture is Rpi4 (with LPS) running Volumio via usb to Uptone Regen (with LPS) to BC DAC3 via usb out to Pass 2.5 preamp via Balanced to ATC active monitors via Balanced. I originally thought I could possibly hire a remote IT person to help when needed, but I'm thinking that might not be so easily arranged. I'm open to reverting to any OS also if/when necessary- and I'm accustomed to buying used. Thank you in advance for your shared wisdom.

Showing 1 response by ostemo8

Thanks GHD. I will take a look at that piece. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts.