Linn vs VPI?

I am planning to upgrade my current entry level Music Hall TT. I would like to get either a Linn LP 12 or some of the comparable VPI tables. Used not new.
It apperas to me that VPI is very highly regarded and people are very happy with VPI products. I also understand that Linn is on Stereophile recommended list of components for ever and essentially thes ame but greatly evolved product.

Any insight/first hand experience and tonearm/cartridge recommendadtion is more than welcome.

Showing 2 responses by grinnell

I also recently upgraded from a project Xpressions to a VPI HW-19 mkIV. I seriously considered Linn LP12 but I read that it is a tough table to setup and many people recommended having a expert set it up. The VPI HW-19 is no longer being made so that may influence you though some parts are available and there are third party suppliers for motors and suspension/springs/sorbothane. The VPI wasn't hard to setup but i needed some questions answered.
I just got my VPI HW-19 setup and running and one of the first things i noticed as i played my reference album (Apostrophe, Zappa) was the much greater bass than the Xpression. Also a much deeper soundstage. And it sounds louder, normal was 9 o'clock on the dial now i got it backed off to 8.

Gotta love this hobby