Linn Sondek- Origin Live upgrades anyone?

Just wondering if I could get some feedback from the Audiogon community, on anyone that has tried the upgrades  for Linn Sondek LP-12, that Origin Live has on their web page, and how they compare to others in the same price range, Im particularly interested in the Motor and DC power supply?

Showing 3 responses by jasonbourne52

I can't speak about the Origin Live upgrades but I am now on to my second Sondek after stupidly selling the first one! They sound great in stock form! Mount a good or better arm and cartridge and the LP12 is still a contender - even sans upgrades! For the cost of a tricked-out Linn the newest Technics DD is a better value - and costs less!
The LP12 was popular among the cognoscenti of the late 70's because right out of the carton it did NO harm to the music - and it cost a mere $450! Two compelling reasons to own one! Yes, Ivor Tieffenbraun found a way to extract money from the obsessed by promoting ever more expensive "upgrades" for what is still an excellent TT! Disclaimer: I use one in stock form - and am happy!
@daveyf : It's an early 80's LP12 with a Grace 707/Denon 103D. In fact my second one! Bought from an eBay seller in Britain a few years ago. My first one was a few years younger (late 70's) and it too had a Grace 707 arm with a Grado G1. So both LP12's are from the pre-upgrade era. I regret selling the first one about 15 years ago - though I did keep the 707 arm!