Linn Sondek LP12 impressions

Hello I was wondering if anyone still uses these old designed turntables?

I know its totally not vogue since its a belt drive and all the rage DD and Idler have taken over as "the reference"


Showing 4 responses by chayro

So Daveyf - how much would you say you put into the Linn at this point total?
There is so much written on the pros and cons of the Linn that you could spend the next 5 years reading about it. It is without a doubt one of the most polarizing discussions in audio. That said, IMO a used LP12 with an Ittok or Ekos arm is an excellent buy, provided you have a good setup person.
I have to disagree about the constant tweaking thing. I thought that too before I owned one. Once set up properly, it should maintain it's alignment for years and it shouldn't need anything until you change the cartridge. Even then, it's probably only a matter of minor adjustments. But I do agree you need a very good setup person.

Of course, if you're the kind of person that will live in the state of constant grief, worrying that the table needs tweaking, you're probably better off with a different table.
My Civic will ride over rough roads that my buddy's Corvette can't traverse. Putting a lot of money into a Linn is a choice one makes, hopefully aware of the pros and cons. You just have to want to own a Linn. You either feel it or you don't.