Linn LP12 turntable

I was in my favorite audio store yesterday talking turntables… Rega P10, MoFi MasterDeck etc, when he stated he had a Linn LP12 he was selling for a customer at $2,400 & the customer had $14K (with upgrades) into it. Intriguing, but knew nothing about Linn. After my research, people seem to love it or hate it. But it is installed in many fine audiogon systems. 
I would like your thoughts and recommendations. 
I have asked the following questions of the dealer: 

1. Date of production 

2. Upgrades that have been added 

3. Power supply / tone arm

4. Condition 

5. Recently serviced

I have not yet seen it, but it is there now. What other questions should I ask?

My current analog system: 

Pro-ject 1xpression carbon classic with Hana ML

Rega Aria

PS Audio BHK pre

Simaudio Moon 330A amp

KEF R11’s

Advise would be greatly appreciated. 


Showing 6 responses by tomic601

@lewm sorry i’ve been away for a bit wrestling Qbits… F= MA in combination w Hooke’s law can be used to model simple harmonic motion…including amplitude….

Peace… F = MA and when a spring on any TT runs out of travel… things get ugly… the big Japanese TT are also susceptible on 2nd floors and suspended floors… even the mighty sota eventually runs out of travel….

@lewm you surprised me as with your technical bent thought you would understand the low frequency filter a well sorted spring system ( like the SOTA ) provides… and frankly many on the market today TT isolation bases… HRS to note my favorite. 

I am not going to get into the Rega low mass vs rest of TT world debate… i have audiophile / music loving friends quite happy with hot rodding various levels of Rega decks… with … aghast… after market upgrades.. but the RP-10 is an excellent deck… i must admit to giving away a P3/Moth/Signet TK9… hopefully to ?… who will put it on a Rega or Target WALL mount.

re the SOTA… we sold them from day one and had a spare demo table w a Dynavector Ruby that we would loan customers that had footfall issues w lesser ( spring suspension ) TT… Thorens, Linn, B&O, etc…

I don’t remember the SOTA every coming back… and yes it would take a light hammer whack…

re Rick in Colorado… a true analog lover who also sells speakers that are flat in room to 20 hz… so he is VERY aware of environmental isolation….

have fun

if you look in my system photos you will see most of the TT including a 60# Denon w a constrained layer plinth… live on springs..

ymmv always applies

….yawn…1978 left a lot to be desired… But the Linn is a worthwhile pursuit, especially IF you need a spring suspension…

I suspect that IF Grace was still building a 707… it might advance a bit… other than NOS tubes, who really wants an audio company not focused on continuous improvement… especially improvements that can be retrofitted to products from…. 1978.

So nice the previous owner purchased many…

PS a 707 was never the equal of even the most Basik ( that is a test and a joke ) of Linn arms… 

The Rega are good TT…

enjoy the music