Linn LP12 turntable

I was in my favorite audio store yesterday talking turntables… Rega P10, MoFi MasterDeck etc, when he stated he had a Linn LP12 he was selling for a customer at $2,400 & the customer had $14K (with upgrades) into it. Intriguing, but knew nothing about Linn. After my research, people seem to love it or hate it. But it is installed in many fine audiogon systems. 
I would like your thoughts and recommendations. 
I have asked the following questions of the dealer: 

1. Date of production 

2. Upgrades that have been added 

3. Power supply / tone arm

4. Condition 

5. Recently serviced

I have not yet seen it, but it is there now. What other questions should I ask?

My current analog system: 

Pro-ject 1xpression carbon classic with Hana ML

Rega Aria

PS Audio BHK pre

Simaudio Moon 330A amp

KEF R11’s

Advise would be greatly appreciated. 


Showing 2 responses by testpilot

Everyone should own a Linn at one time during their audio journey. 

Hopefully @daveyf  will chime in as he knows a lot about the LP12 and the upgrades available. 

regardless what your deck will come with, the most important parts to have will be the following and this order:

- Karousel bearing

- At least a lingo PS

- Kore sub chassis 

That's appox $3,500 worth of upgrades.  See how upgrading a LP12 can escalate quickly.