Linn LP 12 vs Well Tempered TT

I have a WTTT&A (original) for several years and have a chance to get a good buy on a Linn. I have not had a chance (and likely will not be able)to do an AB comparison. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who has. Thanks Dave
make sure you get the lingo power supply upgrade if you go with Linn - it adds what seems like an entire octave to the bass - it's a no-brainer!
Well Tempered has many admirers and few, if any, detractors. I own a Linn LP12 w/ Basik Plus arm and Valhalla power supply. The unshielded Grado Gold cartridge causes some hum the closer it gets to the Val P/S or center of the LP. Otherwise, it's built like a tank and sounds great. However, the surrounding equipment will influence your sound (cartridge, speakers, pre/amp, etc.) just like anything else. There are many who like the sound better without all of the upgrades. You don't state what, if any, upgrades the LP12 has. One last thing, I also replaced the felt mat with a Ringmat with significant positive results. It's doubtful you'll be disappointed woth either. Enjoy.
I have owned both. Obviously the Linn has been through many updates and I'm not sure of the specifics of the TT you are looking at. I am not critical of the Linn and appreciate what they did to create "turntable consciousness" but am not its biggest fan. I always experienced the linn as a little lacking in dynamics, deep bass and mildly thin sounding. However, this was not one of their completely updated versions.

I personally enjoy the WTT more than the Linn. Once the arm is properly setup, I find it to have a wonderful rich and musical quality. I agree with the critics who report a somewhat muted extreme high frequency quality, but overall find it to be enjoyable. I'm sure part of what I and others find relaxing and stable about the WTT is related to its spindle bearing. It is hard to talk about the WTT without thinking of it as a package, while I'm not sure what arm you are planning to use on the linn. Just my 2 cents.