Linn Klimax Kontrol and Chakra 500 Twin, how good?

I am looking into buying a used set of Linn Klimax Kontrol and Chakra 500 Twin, I am fasinated by Linn's slim profile, sleek looks, design technolodgy; I have read several good reviews, but do not have chance to audition them. My main concern is that if the amp--rated 100W into 8 ohms--has enough power to drive my 86db Dynaudio C1 speakers? I know that the Linn 500 Solo(s) would have sufficient power, but the cost of getting the mono blocks is out of question. I would appreciate any oppinion and suggestion.

Showing 1 response by newmanoc

Sorry so few takers on this - I'll give a couple of brief thoughts. First of all, the answer is VERY, VERY GOOD. The Klimax Kontrol is without question the most refined and transparent preamp I have ever heard. The Chakra 500 twin is incredibly open and detailed. Taken together, the combination can be unbeatable. But as is always true in audio - unbeatable for some tastes, but not necessarily for all.

Despite the tremendous strengths of the combination (or perhaps in consequence of design choices optimizing for them), some people may find it a little lean. If you are a fan of fat, so-lush-it's-wet sound, this is not your combination. As compared to other solid state options, personally, I think it is immeasurably superior to stuff from Krell, Levinson and the like that I have heard, but that is my taste. You really must hear this stuff yourselves, and hear it with your speakers. You will either fall in love, or walk away respecting what you heard, but deciding it is not quite for you. I think it is exceedingly unlikely you will think an audition has been a waste of time. It is truly outstanding gear and should be heard by anyone with a passion for high-end audio.