Linn Keltic speakers

I am considering an "upgrade" from Linn 5140 for my main speakers to Linn Keltics. Any experience with these speakers? I once heard a system at a show with Keltics for the mains and 5140 for the rear surrounds and many people expressed that they thought the sound was the best in the show. I use a Yamaha 3090 for the processor ( soon to be upgraded to Meridian 561) and Adcom 5802 amps. If I go with the Keltics I will power them with Linn Klout amps in active mode.

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not to change your subject, but check out Meridian's 568 instead of the 561. It does the upsampling that the 800 does, but you lose Video switching. And it only has 2 analog ins. But the sound is to die for. Hook up any crummy transport and you will be amazed!!
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