Linn Genki variable output versus Majik pre-amp

Does anyone have experience with the Linn Genki variable pre-output versus using the pre-amp in the Majik? Is there much of a difference, or is the sound about the same? Thanks for your advice.

Showing 3 responses by k_peterso

Interesting. I've got B&W in my movie system, due to my opposing tastes.

Goes to show - one's own ears are the best for advice.

The Majik, definitely. The Genki sounds a little bright and hashy by comparison, esp. in an all LINN setup [my frame of ref.]. If you can get a Wakonda, even better yet!
The valves could well have a more pleasing sound, but that is a personal taste. What detracts from valves in my mind is the bass weight and upkeep costs.

Re speakers, I've never heard B&Ws sound good with LINN gear - they just don't seem to like each other. When looking at Ninkas, which I have, the upgraded bases are a MUST! The clarity and bass drive increases are rather stunning.

Another option, which I am currently interested in, are ATC. In a smaller room, I would take ATC SCM7s over Ninkas in a heart-beat. Mine is a bit larger, so I currently lust for 12s. LINN and ATC pair like a Yaluma Shiraz and well marbled steak - simply perfect!
